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College Ministry

Highview's College Ministry is committed to Gospel proclamation and application in the lives of students and young adults in this phase of life.

Above all we strive to be known as a ministry that loves this generation with the love of Christ while striving to connect them with the local body of Christ.

Sunday Morning

Fegenbush Campus | Room 305 @ 10:20am

Sundays in the college ministry create a variety of experiences and opportunities where students can grow in their faith in large- and small-group environments. Our leadership is intentional about disciple making, with the the goal that our young adults will be prepared to lead future churches, families, and individuals to a greater knowledge of the Glory of our God.

Friday Evening

6:30pm | Location Varies

College Ministry across all 3 campuses combines every Friday to share a meal, have a student-led worship time, bible study and hangout afterward. We have found this time to be when we experience the most authentic Christian community together and have seen real growth among our students as well as welcoming new faces each week. The location is announced each week in Community Group and on the College Ministry Facebook page.

Upcoming Events in College Ministry

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