Honor Jesus at Work


Specific Sin Issues


Fighting Sin

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Our jobs can be something that God uses to make His name known in the world. He blesses us with the opportunity to work and make a living, while at the same time, glorifying Him and being a blessing to others. Many people see work as a negative result of the fall, as though it were punishment. But when we look at the account of creation in God’s word, we see that God gave work as something to be enjoyed. Work was a responsibility to create and cultivate as a part of God’s original design for His children. Through the power of the Spirit, we can recapture this vision for our jobs and even leverage them to make the glory of God known in the workplace.

Read Colossians 3:22-24, Genesis 2:15
Discuss: What kind of workers has God called us to be?


One way that we glorify Christ at our jobs is when we are subordinate and respectful to our employers. We should strive to speak to them and about them with reverence for their position of authority. We also should submit to what employers ask us to do, as far as it does not violate morality or the commands of God. (Ephesians 6:5-7, 1 Peter 2:18)

Sometimes it is challenging to submit to employers who are unjust and cruel. However, scripture says when we do this, it is a gracious thing in the eyes of God.

Read 1 Peter 2:18-23
Discuss: What are some challenges to being a subordinate employee? 
How can we grow by looking to Jesus’ example?

Hard Working

Another way that we glorify Christ at our jobs is by having an excellent work ethic. Being dedicated, faithful, punctual, thorough, and producing quality work are all examples of excellent work ethic. (2 Thess. 3:6-12, Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 12:11)


Another way that we glorify Christ at our jobs is by being honest and having integrity in business. Integrity means wholeness, we are the same person in business as we are in the church. We should handle money, services, and people with uprightness and godliness of heart. We should also stay out of gossip and meddling in drama among co-workers. (Proverbs 10:9, Proverbs 28:6)

Read Philippians 4:8
Discuss: What does it look like to work with integrity in your job?


When we work hard, with integrity and subordination to authority, we earn the right to give an account of the hope that is in us through Jesus. God has sovereignly placed us in the jobs we have with an opportunity to testify to the grace of God in Jesus. Our jobs are a mission field. We can be intentional about engaging people in conversation about Jesus and inviting them to follow Him. (Matthew 5:16, 1 Peter 3:15)

Discuss: What are some ways that you could be a witness for Jesus at work?
Why is it difficult to speak about Jesus if you are not a “good employee?”?

Personal Application

What changes could you make to bring glory to Christ in your workplace?
What difference do you think it would make on your career if you lived these principles at work?
Who at work could you begin engaging in conversations about your faith?