Day 7

Scripture to Read: Hebrews 2:14-18

Today we see why Christ came to earth and became a human just like us. God the Father, through the writer of Hebrews, in Hebrews 2:14, begins to unpack the fullness of why Christ’s humanity is so important to us. Since every believer in Christ shares in this physical nature of being human, Christ Himself shared the same physical nature, but He did it without ever committing any sin. Because Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, through His death, He made the devil powerless over death. For the devil had had the power of death before Christ’s death and resurrection, but through Christ’s death, the devil no longer has the victory in our lives. Yes, we will still die physically, but we will live spiritually with our Lord because He has given us eternal life. The beauty of this eternal life, and our victory over death, is also clearly shared in 1 Corinthians 15:54-57. Knowing this world is not our home gives us hope for the eternal home we will one day enter. That is why we do not need to fear death, as shared with us in Hebrews 2:15. Because we’ve been set free from the penalty of our sin, we are no longer slaves to sin. That is why Christ became like us, so He would become our “merci- ful and faithful High Priest” and become the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice that holds back the wrath of God that would be directed at us because of our sinful nature) for our sins.

Challenge & Application

Christ has truly provided us an incredible precious gift in eternal life. What did you learn today that you did not know before? Who can you share with this week about all that Christ has done for them to set them free from their fear of death and the penalty of their sin?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

As we begin today, the writer of Hebrews is led by God to make a powerful statement here in Hebrews 2:1. God leads the writer to say, because Christ is greater than all the angels, because He is Lord of all, because Christ is the Creator of everything, and because Christ is God, we, as believers, need to pay close attention to what God is tea...


Day 2

We begin today, finding that God, in the Old Testament, did use the “angel of the LORD” to speak His Word. “On a number of occasions in the Old Testa- ment when the angel of the LORD appeared, it seems to be the LORD Himself. The angel has attributes that belong to God and God alone. In addition, He is ad- dressed as the LORD. If this be the ...


Day 3

Today we’re reminded that God’s salvation was spoken, in these times, at first by our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ came to proclaim Good News, and that Good News is that salvation from all sin is found in him and Him alone. God also confirmed this salvation, for all mankind, to the Jewish Christians that Hebrews was written to, but also to us to...


Day 4

Today we’re reminded of God’s original plan and His future plan for all His children. God created man, in the beginning, not only to have sweet fellow- ship with Him each day but for man to have dominion over His creation as well. As God leads the writer of Hebrews to write, God reminds us that He did not give dominion to the angels over the ...


Day 5

As we learned in the devotion yesterday, because of sin in this world, we do not yet clearly see the fullness of having dominion over God’s creation, nor do we see the fullness of who we are in Him. But according to Hebrews 2:9, what we do see is the fullness of Christ, who was made, for a short time, a little lower than the angels by becomin...


Day 6

God begins Hebrews 2:10 with the beau- tiful reminder to us, that all things are for Him, and that all things are through Him. We also see this clearly declared in Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 8:6; 1 Corin- thians 11:12; and Colossians 1:16. The truth is, nothing would exist without God. He made all things, and He is the One who brings us into...


Day 7

Today we see why Christ came to earth and became a human just like us. God the Father, through the writer of Hebrews, in Hebrews 2:14, begins to unpack the fullness of why Christ’s humanity is so important to us. Since every believer in Christ shares in this physical nature of being human, Christ Himself shared the same physical nature, but H...
